How to Use Group Project Board

This is the spot to build your idea out, collab and in turn build the beacon!

  • Active Projects/Events
    Final Stage, list of current events we have on our GB calendar, and already established projects that you can join.

  • Need Collaboration
    Beta Stage, when you have an existing group or concept and want some organizational assistance before moving it to a final phase; active project or event.

  • Project Brainstorming
    Alpha Stage - Just have an idea and you want to make it into a thing? Come here and brainstorm!

What to Do When Listing an Event:
Guideline for formatting these posts:

  1. Title (What is your event/group/topic proposal)
  2. Brief Description of event/group/topic
  3. Who is leading it
  4. Place where action items, conversations or collabs are happening (if not on this forum, such as Trello)