May The 4th Be With You - Battlefield 1942 (Galactic Conquest) Classic Game Night
- Leads - Posi (1942mods), @Bremaine (co-lead,GeekBeacon), @tanllwyth01 (co-lead,GeekBeacon) @ZenullTheProtogen (coordinated/helped) @FloppyMcDisk (coordinated/helped)
- Who is streaming? - @Gameslayer
- Join voice here - GeekBeacon Discord
- Event start time - 2PM EST (11AM PST / 1PM CST)
- Stream Time - 6PM EST (3PM PST / 5PM CST) - 8AM GMT+10
- Calendar
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From Event Host:
We advise you buy all your games but with this very old title the event host notes that BF1942 Abandonware is patched for compatibility, widescreen support and includes EA stepping patches. It is recommended by them as the solution to the first requirement of this event.
We made a new Zip file on Google Drive with everything in one folder for easier access. You can find that here:
Galactic Conquest 8.2 Stand Alone ISO (Provided by Posi) Just extract the ISO and launch the setup file once done:
Here are the steps to get everything installed and ready to go for the 4th (downloads compiled from Galactic Conquest FB post below):
Step 1 - After downloading and unzipping, go in and access the folder titled “Battlefield 1942”. Once in, click on “bf1942-setup” and follow the setup process. Don’t start the game just yet.
Step 2 - After this is done, go back in and find the folder titled “Server Browser Patch”, go in and click the “battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61” and allow the setup process to go through.
Step 3 - After you have completed the patch setup, you can now install the Galactic Conquest mod. There are two versions of this mod, version 8.1 and 8.2. Either one will do, but for older computers you may want to go with 8.1
Step 4 - After you have the game, patch and mod installed, you can then boot up the game. Once you get the game started, set your profile if you want and then click “Multiplay” and then “Internet”. this should bring you to the server browser. Click on “Update” and you should see a list of available servers pop up. Search 1942mods in the filter field and it should locate their server.
You should be good to go. As well, please find more details on these downloads and mods below from the Galactic Conquest FB page.
- Requirements for Galactic Conquest -
Battlefield 1942
Two Abandonware links are provided which have been vetted. The G-drive is likely a faster download. Origin or CD versions are also fine.
A fresh install of Battlefield 1942 will freeze in ANY version if you attempt to use the server browser. This is due to EA discontinuing support and pushing the game into Abandonware status.
This small patch will eliminate that freeze and restore your server browser by reconnecting the game to an independent Master Server.
( Optionally this can be done manually by editing your hosts file and adding —> <— hosts file is located at c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts )
Your base game is now ready to launch and take online. You can test this now or continue with Mod installation.
Galactic Conquest 8.2 Installer
Linux or older systems may prefer to install version 8.1 which has less lighting effects.
Galactic Conquest 8.1 Installer
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Our Event Host and U.S. Based Server