BF2 Battleracer Server will stay up for this Month

After we had a Battleracer Event two days ago on the Lost-Soldiers Server i have a message from @Shark93, the Server Hoster, that the Server will remain online untill the end of the month.

You can read it here: Pinned message on YT
So everybody who like to play it online is welcome.
Have fun playing.

Ref: BF2 Tournament with PRIZES - Oct 1st 2020 - Lost Soldiers
ModDB: Battleracer mod for Battlefield 2 - Mod DB


I could probably host something if you need hw/bw for future hosting… I have a spare machine that just needs more RAM…

Let me know if you need somewhere to host anything, I’m on a (currently, but planning to upgrade to faster) 100/100Mbit fibre line. And have several 24/7 boxes.


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In this case our glorious Leader Francesco @Shark.93 Lost-Soldiers - Profile of S_h_a_r_k_93 | Battlefield 2 Community is taking care of our server action, but to setup a privat server is always a good idea.
I thought more people will find the battleracer server attracting but it seems that nobody really cares. Just me and a few others show up once or twice a day. Maybe it is just a thing of promoting that he is there but also i now it is a 15 year old game and if the gamer are still in BF2 they mainly play the core game or mods like aix and naw.

Yeah man, to play Battleracer one must coordinate with each other. Why do you think we need rallying calls for Special Forces mate? :smiley:

Hello all, the server is actually still up! What’s more, tomorrow starting 20:00 UTC we will gather on it ( to oil our engines and take the fight to the streets :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If you didn’t manage to join the Tournament Race we held in October, tomorrow you have one more chance to try this bf2 racing mod (download link in post #1 by Rotblut).

To set up the base game first, you can visit topic 942, currently third from the top in Gaming sub-board :slightly_smiling_face: (trying to keep related-topic menu events-only, sovvy). Cheerio geeky geeks!!


Same as above, we’ll run through the BF2 Battleracer Grand Prix again 2021-01-09T19:00:00Z CET time, no particular requirements to enter other than having Battlefield 2 and the Battleracer Mod installed.

Topic 942 will need some updating cause links are down, we’ll release a new intstaller with some more improvements. So if you have BF2 already, load up the mod [ModDB link in post #1] and buckle up, if you don’t then my DMs are always open, right?

If we’re not in our Discord for voice already then I’ll make a note to idle in the gaming voice room, see if I can chew on some tasty tuna in there by myself. Cheerio Beacon! :shark: Mod trailer (dope):


Yeah another Grand Prix. Buckle up and hit the gas paddle. :wink:


We might have to do some 2021 leaderboard soon then, if we start to do more “offiial” Grand Prix :stuck_out_tongue: New racers record reached, next topic of discussion is tuning up the cars! ahah Kubiik wants to pimp the textures of the cars and create a customized LS version of some cars.

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Let him tune the Vodniks with NOS :wink: