What is the best editor [Testing]

Well to be fair, I started this thread simply to test out some discourse
features. Though feel free to voice your opinion on the various editors
you like / dislike.

Here Here Vim! :dog:


vim :gb_tuxcube:

vi is everywhere. Why ruin a great thing and switch

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let me piss everyone off. nano and atom.

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I donā€™t mind Nano. Itā€™s a bit more straight forward than some.

You forgot Joe.


http://lighttable.com/ for me. But i think it is still in beta.
Got it to learn Python and Ruby.

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Emacs along +5ā€™000ā€™000 lines of code done so far :wink:

And I feel no wrong about it.

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LoL Iā€™ve used Visual Studio Code.

My go to editors are:
Nano in linux.
ScITE ā†’ Probably one of my favourite Gui text editors on Linux.
Notepad++ (windows) ā†’ Used mostly for html / css / php code or just random text / config files.
Visual Studio 2017, Iā€™ve written some C and C++ code. Nothing amazingā€¦
Visual Studio Code :sweat_smile: (Still experimenting with it on both linux and windows) I like how itā€™s already got heaps of community mods. Thatā€™s a huge first for Microsoft. But I still seem to fall back to ScITE and Np++

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Epic. :gb_tuxcube:


I kinda like Notepad++ and all day use VS 2015 and MS SQL MGMT

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Basic edit Xed and for projects I use Brackets.

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When Iā€™m on a *NIX system I always type ā€œviā€ because I always have. Iā€™ve heard there are other editors but they donā€™t always exist on whatever version of HP-UX, or AIX, or Solaris I have in front of me. I use vi because it is always there for me when I need it. On modern systems I end up in VIM when I type vi but I donā€™t know anything about VIM, really. Iā€™ve heard that it has magical abilities. Iā€™m just in there to hack some text and I need to get it done so people can continue to work.


Iā€™m a Vim user. Modal editing makes my brain feel at ease. Most of the time at leastā€¦

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Sublime gets my vote, though Atom is right there with it. They work well for the coding that I do with a dash of JS, CSS, HTML, Java, C# and C++. Though for an IDE I go for Jetbrains IntelliJ

Iā€™ve found Brackets to be quite useful and just overall nice to work in - cross-platform - for Python, LaTeX, sometime VBA {{{blush}}} and Sphinxā€¦ I know, not FOSS, but Iā€™ve found it significantly more stable than Atom.


I use Atom on my work PC, with a plug-in to emulate Sublime rectangular selection. What I like best is the regex support in the search feature of the editor, can do all sorts of match and replace operations

edit: 3 years later? This topic just came up in the Latest section! :joy:

The best editor is a never ending topic. Everyone will always have an opinion and new toys do come out once in a while. :smiley: