Nixie & LANFest Plays The Longest Road on Earth

Join @Nixie, Marzipan from LANFest, Serenmage87, and Triggern0m3try, as they will be streaming the newly released game - The Longest Road on Earth all day, from the Brainwash Gang & Raw Fury. We’ll also be giving away some free codes for the game about every hour on the following streams!

When - 2021-05-27T04:00:00Z
Who’s Streaming - :point_down:

LANFest (Marzipan) - (10 AM - 2 PM)
Serenmage87 (2 PM - 5 PM)
Nixie Pixel (5 PM - 8 PM)
Triggern0m3try (8 PM - 11 PM)

All Times are PST

As well help support Engineers without Borders by donating this weekend during the InfernaWAN Mayhem 21 for LANFest. The goal is $4,000 and if you’d like to donate, please go to - :point_left:

And find more details on LANFest here -

And check out the trailer below:

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