If you insist

Hello . My names ken, I’m a gamer at Heart, for the last 7 years I’ve been switching back and forth from Linux to windows trying to eventually decide what i was to stay on, I Started with Ubuntu 9.04 and that’s when all the craziness started. I’m a very random person, i change os’s constantly, as does my personality. Thank you for bringing me here nixie<3 Possible squirrel not sure yet >_<


Welcome to the Beac, pup! :confetti_ball: :grin:

As is the case with many Linux users, Ubuntu was my first distro. But when Canonical made the switch from Gnome 2 to Unity I started looking around for alternatives. After trying several I stuck to Xubuntu for a while, and grew fond of the Xfce window manager it uses. Now I’ve been using Linux Mint (Xfce flavour) for years, to much of my content.

I also make games, btw:


Hey ShadowWolf, nice to see you here. :man_technologist:
From all Linix Distributions Ubuntu also would be my first choice but unfortunaly the gaming Aspect of my Life, forces me to stick with Windows as main OS. What a pity. :wink: :flushed:

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I think out of all of the ubuntu distro’s that I’ve tried 10.04 was my favorite. I think I’m going to use pop os and try to make it how I had 10.04 setup. I’ve used linux mint and a couple others but most the time I’ve had graphic issues so it always threw me back to windows which I can’t stand but deal with because of gaming. Hahahahah I miss the cube :rofl:

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Nice gaming site you have. Thanks for sharing. :partying_face:


That’s a version. Have a look at DistroWatch to understand what a distribution implies.

@Rotblut Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:
There’s more stubs on GitLab.
Btw, if anyone would like to contribute in ways that require permissions, just let me know.


In relative term isn’t 10.04 a different distribution then 10.10. anyways I understand what you mean. I get it. I get it. No need to beat a dead cat.

Just trying to help you communicate clearly. :man_teacher:

It’s okay to feel stupid; it means you learned. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hahah sorry DDM , I’m good. I’ve been hoping around for a bit. I ment linux but was staring at ubuntu logo >_< I’ve never tried arch but think I might on a day off

That explains everything. :roll_eyes:

I still think you meant version where said distro. But I understand it gets harder to admit you were mistaking every time you make up an excuse. Don’t worry, we’re all born ignorant. Keep learning. :wink:

Lmao savage :rofl:


Yeahs… bite my shiny metal teachings. :smirk: